Industrial Agency Com in-Genio

The Industrial Agency Com in-Genio, is located in the city of Cali, Colombia; We provide solutions in the supply of industrial services on the challenges that arise in their productive environment. The goal is for our clients to improve their productivity, so they can improve their income.

We have highly qualified personnel in the area of industrial instrumentation and metrology with more than 10 years of experience. Specialized in Quality Control and SGC NTC-ISO / IEC 17025: 2005.

Repair and Strengthening of Thermofixers

The Industrial Agency Com in-Genio is one of the few companies in Colombia with certified experience in the Repair and Enhancement of Subliming Thermofixers, in addition to providing support in the purchase of Parts and Supplies.

We also sell Thermofixer or heat-sealing machines and Specialized Industrial Equipment by request, for our clients located in the south west of Colombia; We also do dispatches to all the Capitals of the Colombian Territory through nationally recognized parcel companies.


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Benefits of Hiring Com in-Genio Industrial Agency


Specialized Industrial Mechanics
We offer specialized services in Repair and Calibration of safety and proportional valves. Mechanical maintenance to Heat-sealing machines and other industrial equipment.

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Electrical and Electronic Services
The areas of application that we cover mainly are electricity, electronics and industrial mechanics. Among the specialized services we offer are: Maintenance and Design of Sublimation Heat Exchangers and Specialized Industrial Equipment.

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Payment methods
We have a Secure Online Payment Platform. So you can easily make the payment of our services online or bank deposit nationally and internationally.

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Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Sobre una de las vías principales de la ciudad, que permite desplazarse rápidamente de sur a norte, conectándose con el aeropuerto y otros puntos principales de la ciudad. Tenemos fácil acceso para los clientes y sus equipos.

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Dispatch & Equipment Reception
Despacho & Recepción de Equipos por medio de empresas de mensajería especializada. Transporte y logística a nivel nacional e internacional. Puede Rastrear la ubicación de sus envíos.

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Support & Advice
Com in-Genio presta servicios especializados con personal profesional experimentado. Cubrimos un amplio portafolio en el área de instrumentación industrial y metrología. Especializados en Control de Calidad.

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Works of Com in-Genio Industrial Agency

This is a small sample of why they choose the Industrial Agency Com in-Genio and the reasons why our clients continue to believe in the effectiveness of our services.

The Latest from the Digital and Industrial Agency Com in-Genio

The Blog of Com in-Genio

Blog where you will find information about the Company, Tutorials, Personal Growth Topics, Technological Advances, Web Design, SEO, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Advertising.

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Plans & Prices

Review Active Promotions in Our Campaigns

Here you will find a sample of the services offered by Com in-Genio with its corresponding costs, for more information, contact us to provide personalized advice and clear your doubts about the service to hire.

  • Home service


    $100.000 por equipo

    Technical review at home.

    • Equipment-Processes Review
    • Diagnosis of damage.
    • Estimated cost of the work.
    • Supply of parts or pieces.

  • Review


    $ 17,54 USD per machine

    Technical Review in the Com in-Genio Workshop

    • Equipment-Processes Review
    • Diagnosis of damage.
    • Estimated cost of the work.
    • Supply of parts or pieces.


To obtain more information about our services, plans or how to be part of the in-Genio community, send us a message, an email or call us with pleasure we will attend you, you are our reason for being.

Calle 34 # 41 – 35
Barrio Ciudad Modelo
Cali – Colombia

+57 (2) 377 91 39 – Oficina Central
+57 320 766 36 19 – Móvil
+57 320 766 36 19 – Whatsapp
