

As a man of science, appealing to my profession and knowledge in metrology, the facts help us draw conclusions from future reactions of the equipment, compounds or elements analyzed, generating traceability.


OWe can not afford to take judgments biased by our own or preconceived opinions. By submitting the element studied under some tests will allow us to throw some results, which will give us the justification to determine a concept about the object studied.


DAfter this introduction, we can begin to present the complete picture and reach the roots of the analysis, to determine a concept of judgment on the proposed topic.


IThe starting point will be to know What is the truth? And what direct effects it has on your life and daily life. Everything must be taken to the point where you can measure the direct impact on your way of thinking, acting, your health, your family, the place where you live, the source of your income, etc.


AWhen you do that in a responsible, serious and disciplined manner with yourself, you will find the truth. And this applies to everything in your life. Every decision you should make, analyze your environment first, judge everything with wisdom, be calm, do not hurry to act, that way you get the absolute truth.


YTo determine what the truth is, and the truth is 100% is absolute, it is not worth 99.9%; Take my lifestyle as an example.


My life, My Impact


VI live in the city of Cali, capital of the department of Valle del Cauca. Department located in the south west of Colombia, near the Pacific Ocean.


RI remember that the weather in my childhood and adolescence was very different, on average the temperature was 27ºC / 80.6ºF between the 70's and 80's. All change from the decade of the 90's.


IThe country suffered the greatest drought recorded for 9 months, which generated an energy crisis and water reasoning between May 2, 1992 and February 7, 1993. After that period temperatures continued to rise. Those who were born until the decade of the 80's can attest that we live in times of lower temperatures than we are currently experiencing.


YFirst fact that directly impacted my life. I will not go into these points, but the people of my generation, who lived in Colombia at that time, know what I'm talking about:


  • IThermal sensation: temperature increase.
  • RElectric rationing.
  • RWater rationing.
  • AChange of schedule, the "Gaviria" hour will be installed.



<Colombia climate report>




Speaking Of Present time of the Blue Planet


TSolar radiation has increased, it is a fact.


VSeeing the faults of transport in my city, the traffic jams, loss of time, and the stress it produces, I decided to use the bicycle as an alternative means of transport. This decision produced a substantial improvement in my quality of life.


TBy using the bicycle I can determine other factors that directly affect me and that I did not consider before.


EI have to leave with protection mandatorily to protect myself from solar radiation, I wear sun glasses, a cap, a lightweight diver that covers my arms and neck shoulders.


OThe feeling is not pleasant when waiting for the change of the traffic light due to two artificial factors:

  • The additional heat generated by the vehicles.
  • The gases that emanate from the exhaust pipes of all cars and motorcycles, some leave a thick black cloud around them, when they are stopped and moving.


TFortunately in the city there are still abundant trees, however due to the urbanization and growth of the city many areas of the south and south east of the city, have lost much of the native large trees. These trees were replaced with "ornamental" palms, which do not provide the freshness, oxygenation and moisture retention that the trees that were cut down generated.


MMany private vehicles, between 70% to 80% transport a single person, the driver.



Personal postures in the face of climate change on the Blue Planet


VSeeing the drastic changes that we are living an example are the periods of droughts and floods. So as not to go so far in 2016 and early 2017, we suffered a severe drought in Colombia that exposed, large beach extensions of the main rivers of the country. The water level is lower than 2 meters / 6.56 feet.


We are talking about the 2 main rivers of the Country, Cauca and Magdalena.


IThe disaster occurred in the capital of Putumayo, Mocoa. For heavy rains during the night of March 31 and early morning of April 1, 2017.


VLooking at this scenario, if you are aware of the great impact you can have on your environment, I decided to take action. First with saving water. An example is the emptying of the toilet; use it 2 to 3 times (urine) before pressing the lever, you can do it with the help of deodorant tablets for the toilet or toilet or other products that allow you to do the same.


IThe use of the washing-machine:

The new washing machines, we are talking about models from 2010 onwards, have water saving systems. Even so I did the test with mine an Electroluz Acqua Turbo of 18 Lb model EWLI076OFDIWT year of manufacture 2013.


AWith the high tank level it consumes 3.6 gallons of water per cycle and by washing 3 cycles ago, I am washing every month. Use the default programming of the washing machine so that the laundry is clean.


AWater consumption:


3 Cycles x 18 American gallons = 54 gallons or 204.4 liters

IOn average all the clothes I wash comes out in 4 batches, we multiply again:

54 gallons x 4 = 216 gallons of water or 817.64 liters of water. It is very close to the cubic meter of water that is 1000 liters.


AWhen I was a dependent worker, in a company, I bought more clothes and washed every 15 days, but I did not reuse the water that came out of the washing machine. Being an independent worker and now an entrepreneur, I use less clothes, which also means that I have to wash less, which allows me to wash every month.


TNow I reuse the water. I wash the patio of the house every month, watering the garden plants when there is a dry season. I also use the water that comes out of the washing machine for the toilets and wash the mops, wash the bicycle, etc.


TSaving that I saw reflected quickly in the receipt of the services, I obtained a saving up to 50% in the consumption of water and energy.


Switching to energy saving light bulbs throughout your home makes a big difference, too.


IThis thought does not apply this year in 2017, I have been applying it since 2000, with my family. Gradually it started making small changes, buying little by little saving light bulbs. So you start making changes that have an impact on your life.


The force of the Kingdom Vegetable


IOn Saturday, May 30 of this year, wash clothes. This week has been very hot, I recommend that you see the table of temperatures that supply. When I watered the plants with the scorching sun, a powerful thought came to my mind:


"How strong the plant kingdom is, by supporting all that radiation, filtering the air generating oxygen, producing shade and freshness as well as retaining the humidity and the soil. And with 20 minutes in the sun I could not stand the heat anymore, I felt that it burned me from the inside out, the discomfort and the weakening that generates a high amount of solar radiation. "








The Weakness of Man, Money


One of the activities that I practice to get out of the routine and rest, is gardening. I try to sow the seeds of the fruits I eat, it is difficult to dry many, but others that are strong enough to grow, start to look like small trees.


OI do not care if you delay in growing up I'm not in a hurry. It is wonderful to see a plant sprout from a seed, seed that came out of a fruit that fed me, that has the same genetic characteristics of the fruit that I ate, taste, size, color and shape. When the tree grows and it is large enough, it will bear abundant fruit.


IThat is one of the powerful reasons why I disagree with the genetic modifications applied to crops. Making the fruits of the crops lack seeds, only for purely economic purposes.


In this way it makes the farmers dependent on the big monopolies like Monsanto Company, the concept of patenting seeds is aberrant and dangerous for all humanity. We are talking about the risk of feeding the human race and all the animal and plant species of the planet. As grandparents say "with food you do not play ..."



BLet's talk about Realities:

• We consume large quantities of drinking water.
• We contaminate air, water and land with our waste, the product of our daily life and our industrial or mining production processes.
• We spend enormous amounts of energy and the worst is that we often waste it.
• We cut and deforested large regions of forest or forests to urbanize, cultivate or for livestock.


I'm not talking about natural cycles. I am talking about the great impact that we are generating as the administrators of the natural resources of the only planet we know and we have the certainty that it has life in abundance, and has intelligent life capable of changing its environment.


The earth works like a motor or dynamo, the constant movement generates a magnetic field. This field protects us from solar radiation. A motor can be decompensated if we alter the weight on the rotor, causing it to lose effectiveness, losing the power generation capacity since its magnetic field is altered.


In a forthcoming article on "The Earth and its Electromagnetic Field" we will expand this topic ..


Our processes must be intelligent, inclusive and effective. That is the challenge, there are no easy or simple paths that require effort and dedication, but all work in its time bears fruit.


An example, the use I am making of the washing machine when reusing water, in a rudimentary way. I pick up the water in 4 5-gallon drums each, in this process it took me another 2 hours to wash my clothes. But I am also doing more productive activities and saving a vital resource that translates into money.


At the end of August I complete 2 years of doing this activity.


How to improve?

The idea that I have consists of 2 steps, with a scalable budget

  1. Buy a large capacity container that allows me to store the water that comes out of the washing machine.
  2. Automate the process to water the garden and use the water in the toilets.

Each of us has to draw their conclusions, for me they are clear, each one of us must do his own analysis and see his surroundings.



In The Solution We Contribute All


The countries make their settlers, the people. We are the ones who choose the people who represent us, who represent ideals, a thought. With your example, motivate others to change their environment in a positive way, uniting peoples in search of prosperity and peace.


YCountries such as France, Germany, England and China have taken the place of leadership in the face of a problem that is global. It is time to start up the tax on coal more strongly and hard. We will see that companies are truly committed to the planet and whether their green policies are reality or only part of their advertising propaganda.


TNow more than ever we know who is the enemy of humanity, is not the devil with horns and tail, a person, terrorism or whatever you want to call it, is a way of thinking, the love of money, selfishness. Being enslaved to pleasures that are temporary and vanity of thought, the inability to love, show love and give love, we are ourselves, responsible for the decisions we make.


OJoin us raising our voices, We want a planet that our children and our children's children can enjoy, because we only have one planet, because we only have one Earth, there is only one known Blue Planet!


MMy call is not to do marches, acts of vandalism, to face stone authority. Ignorance is overcome with wisdom and the rich and powerful defeat them without deaths and without firing, giving where it hurts most in their pockets, attacking their interests and source of power.


IThe antecedent two cases, one well known in the United States, I refer to Montgomery bus boycott  and The march of salt  in India led by Mahatma Gandhi.


Montgomery Bus Boycott

YPolitical-social protest that began in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, opposing the policy of racial segregation in the public transport system. Duro one year and 19 days (01/12/1955 to 12/20/1956)


The Salt March

FIt was the equivalent in India to Boston tea riot that led the United States to independence. Both nations would achieve independence from the British Empire.


IThis type of manifestations is more effective and powerful. We must use the power that the people have, the numerical majority and our purchasing power. Voluntarily ration 1 hour a day the electric power in the prime time or prime time slot, the television space with high commercial impact, would put to think all those companies interested in selling their products or services, without forgetting the public companies or private ones that supply electric power.


¿You have to leave? Do you have to face the authorities? Is there a need to exercise force?


The answer to this question is no. It is as easy as turning off the light switch. Small acts of great value and signs of collective power. That is what the powerful fear the union of the people, the slogan nonviolence, now we have media that are in our favor, not on the side of monopolies, families or political parties. We have social networks and the information highway the internet. In the information age the power has the people.

The big question: Are you willing to give the fight for what you know is right?


IThese battles are not won from one day to the next, they require time and discipline, it is a process of education winning person to person, one on one. When you know that the cause is just and is accompanied by love, love of your planet to the Blue Planet, your country, your family, loved ones, your neighbors, your environment, when you love yourself; Patience is in your favor and victory is assured.


If we went on a trip in a spaceship and traveled the known universe, we would have the certainty that in all that vastness in front of us there is a blue planet that contains life, and which we can call our home, our Earth. Home to which we could return and welcome us with open arms, as well as you know that you have a family and can return to them.



Esta publicación fue modificada por última vez el 01/11/2018 12:06 pm


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