Posts tagged with «Herramientas Web»

Imagen Campaña e-Secloud y CentroPago 2018 en Com in-Genio

Promotions e-Secloud and CentroPago 2018

e-Secloud and CentroPago Promotions of the Campaign 18/18 During this year and a half we will promote our commercial brands and services. Now we bring a winning key to create your company, or develop your services as freelance or freelance, e-Secloud and CentroPago. Host your website, application or web service and Manage Online Payments of the [...]
by administration / 27/03/2018 /In News Com in-Genio
Imagen usada para el artículo de CentroPago plataforma de comercio en línea creado por Com in-Genio

CentroPago Online Payment Management System

A system of online payments within the scope of your business CentroPago is an online payment management system, easy to use by the customer or users and very affordable, within your pocket, to implement it in your e-commerce business. It was created by the Colombian Technological Company, Com in-Genio; located in […]
by administration / 23/03/2018 /In News Com in-Genio
Imagen artículo Google localguide Com in-Genio

The Importance of being a Google Local Guide

Com in-Genio es un Guía Local Google  en Cali – Colombia ¿Qué significa eso y que beneficios trae para usted o nuestros clientes?   Un Guía Local Google con insignia, denota un nivel de contribuciones avanzado en el programa.   Valoramos lugares, ubicamos puntos de interés, negocios, empresas, tiendas, restaurantes colaboramos directamente a mejorar Google […]
by administration / 19/02/2018 /In Marketing and SEO Strategies