Posts tagged with «Comin-genio»

Imagen landing de la Agencia Digital Com in-Genio en Cali Colombia Optimizada para la tecnología AMP de Google

Descuento del 10% En Todos Nuestros Servicios

Viendo la situación presente, creo que es oportuno dar a conocer a todos ustedes la estrategia que generamos desde Com in-Genio; el propósito es  ayudar a los emprendedores y empresarios que necesiten nuestros servicios. Siendo una empresa pequeña decidimos ofrecer un Descuento del 10% en Todos nuestros servicios digitales e industriales. Deseamos que puedan usar […]
by administration / 19/05/2020 /In News Com in-Genio

Advertising, Reviews & Social Networks

Revealed Secrets: Advertising, Reviews & Social Networks Today I will tell you about the strategy we use in Com in-Genio for the propagation of content, how we create revenue and how we can improve our SEO through Advertising, Reviews & Social Networks. Contents of our Article Propagation of Contents Income As we improve the SEO [...]
by administration / 30/10/2017 /In Marketing and SEO Strategies

Portal of Solutions Com in-Genio

What is Com in-Genius? Well the wise and beloved saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words" then we bring you 3,000 words to explain that it is the Portal of Solutions Com in-Genio ... Quiet I will not bore you with a string of words as if it were the most ruthless of [...]
by administration / 12/05/2017 /In News Com in-Genio
Imagen de presentación de artículos posteados en el blog "La Bitácora" creados por Com in-Genio sobre Comunidad y Redes Sociales para la web y dispositivos móviles.

in-Genio Community

Social Networks of Com in-Genio The work of social networks is more than generating content, getting followers and managing statistics, it is managing the resources we have to collaborate in the achievement of the objectives that we have set, providing a service to the community and our clients; The objective is to create The Community of [...]
by administration / 12/05/2017 /In Marketing and SEO Strategies